Terms of use

By accessing “Porno Carioca”

By entering and remaining on “Porno Carioca,” the subscriber/visitor agrees to the following terms:

  • You are over 18 years of age;
  • You have no restrictions on viewing adult nudity, regardless of the genders involved and/or the number of people;
  • You have no restrictions on watching material related to nudity, including content that may be considered offensive or unpleasant;
  • You have no restrictions on viewing content with explicit sex, regardless of the genders involved and/or the number of people;
  • You have no restrictions on watching material related to content with explicit sex, including content that may be considered offensive or unpleasant;
  • You are solely responsible for your actions;
  • You do not allow anyone under 18 years of age to access adult material contained on the “Porno Carioca” website from your computer;
  • If you use this service to violate the terms mentioned above, you understand that you may be held accountable for violating applicable laws;
  • You will not hold the owners of “Porno Carioca” responsible for your access to the adult material contained on the “Porno Carioca” website;
  • Your subscription will be automatically renewed for your convenience;
  • If you wish to cancel the renewal, you must send an email to our contact form at least 3 days before the subscription’s expiration date.